Lawley and Overdale Parish Council proudly supports remembrance projects every year.
Each year we support the Royal British Legion’s annual Poppy Appeal. One of the ways we do this is by putting up over 200 lamppost poppies around the parish, to commemorate the sacrifices made by the many residents of the parish who have served, or who currently serve in, the Armed Forces.
In 2018, we marked the centenary of the end of the First World War by taking part in two projects:
- Silent Soldier Silhouettes – a project to say “thank you” to the First World War generation who served, sacrificed, rebuilt, and changed our nation.
- There But Not There – a project aimed at commemorating those who died in the First World War. It educated all generations about that period of our nation’s history. It also raised funds towards helping today’s veterans and their care.
The Parish Council will continue to support remembrance projects. If you wish to organise one and would like our support or involvement, please get in touch with us!