Anti-social behaviour is defined in law as ‘behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the person’ . It is also a term used to describe a range of unacceptable activities that have a negative impact on a community.
Category Archives: The Rock
Important news and updates affecting residents of The Rock.
Life-saving defibrillators installed across the Parish
Lawley and Overdale Parish Council in partnership with the Wrekin Housing Group and Councillor Mark Boylan have paid for new life saving defibrillators within the local community, bringing the total new of units to four.
Free dog poop scoop bags
Did you know that Lawley & Overdale Parish Council is an outlet which provides free dog poop scoop bags for residents who need them?
Welcome to our new Parish Councillor
Lawley & Overdale Parish Council would like to welcome its new Councillor Emma Holding to the Parish Ward of Overdale and The Rock.
Community Action Team update
Our Community Action Team (CAT), which includes the Parish Environmental Team (PET) and our Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers (NEOs), has been busy around the parish this week, rescuing public rights of way from weeds, and tackling poor parking!
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