Virtual Remembrance service

Lawley and Overdale Parish Council invites residents to join us in a virtual Remembrance service this year.

Though the inaugural Remembrance service last year was held in-person at the Lawley War Memorial, the worsening coronavirus pandemic led the council to seek a more innovative way to honour Britain’s servicemen and women.

The Lawley War Memorial, where Remembrance services are usually held. It is a tall, irregular black structure with models of poppies climbing up the side. A set of plaques are mounted on the far side with rolls of honour.“As a council, due to the current conditions we felt that we didn’t have the resources to safely hold a live, in-situ event,” said Sharon George, Clerk of Lawley and Overdale Parish Council. “The Remembrance service last year was well-attended by residents, but with the new restrictions coming in, as a small council it would have been impossible for us to manage large crowds – and the safety of our staff, residents, and guest speakers is our highest priority.”

Filmed at the Lawley War Memorial, the virtual service features guest speakers from the clergy, as well as wreath laying by local police, school children, and veterans associations, with music recorded by veterans and residents from parish.

There will be a two-minute silence, during which viewers can see how local heroes have been immortalised across the parish, as a number of streets are named in their honour.

“We’d like to thank everybody who’s helped us produce this virtual service, and especially Unity Films for helping us to put it together so quickly and professionally,” Sharon George said.

“We are confident that what we have put together is a fitting and moving tribute to the heroes who fought on our behalf, and we hope viewers will feel the same.”

People who want to see the video, but don’t have Internet access, can contact us on 01952 507865 to arrange for a physical copy to be delivered.